
audio works inspired by the words, actions, or images of sohma g. dawling/rosalie/the*innocence. take a moment to download the mp3s and visit the sites of the artists.


Andrew Kilpatrick

the voice samples were taken from an experimental journal reading turned into an audio file. layered on top of a piano piece written for the words. done by andrew kilpatrick, a musicain in canada who is into experimenting with sounds of every kind. you can find more samples of his work at his site,



Greg Elias

written about our friendship over the past few years and then finally getting to meet each other and spend a day in boston together, greg elias has performed this song in a small indie rock circuit in florida a few times until it began to become one of the most requested songs. soon to become a cd single with a photograph taken from that day. more music written and performed by greg can be found here


me and rosa

me and rosa in july
my dreams come true when i don't try
rosalie on friday nights
october under cambridge lights

what brings on the night?
the day can't hold the light
like a glass too full of something good
spills all over like i would

me and rosa in july
my dreams come true when i don't try
rosalie on friday nights
i know i'm gonna break the ice

what brings on the night?
the day can't hold the light
like a glass too full of something good
spills all over like i would

-greg elias

greg is now part of a two man band named Academia. the band has re-vamped the _me and rosa_ song quite a bit. alot of the things have stayed, some things have been added and some lyrics have changed. from what i have been told, a cd is in the works with this song on it. if you would like to hear the changes, here is the new version:

Academia - Me and Rosa


angel on fire

their whole new cd is almost near it's end. my voice and words are featured on this track, and my words will be featured on the first track yet to be finished. keep an eye out for these guys. i couldn't think of a way to describe the music and asked jason to do it for me and this is what he came up with:

hello, i guess the best explanation for angel on fire is something that comes out of confusion--the kind that happens when you're experiencing something weird or new & you're not sure how to process it. music directly from alpha waves (2-4 cycles per second) to magnetic tape. what happens to you when you have a vivid (manic) dream. "i need time to myself to figure this all out".... i'm always lousiest describing my own music, but if that helps..... hope you're well! jason

rivers of wine


John Cocking

this piece was written as a birthday present to me for my 24th birthday. i think it's awesome. neither john nor i could come up with a description of his work, so we let somebody else do the talking via an old ass quote.

"john's whole brain is like that, far as i can tell. he's got this tremendous potential that he throws away, not because its easy, but because its harder to gulp down hypocrisy than it is to gulp down gin." -- drogg
you can find more samples of his work at his site,

happy birthday, rosalie



a buddy of mine i've chatted with for awhile now that lives over seas in the UK. now he's not just a bedroom music maker anymore, he's on a label. (i'm in the linear notes of his first cd! wooo!). i will use excerpts from a journal entry he wrote about this peice

"Sohma G Dawling
Finally sorted something I should have done a long time ago. Good timing. Made a track using Sohma's words.

Ever erudite, insightful, innocent, abrasive, human. I prolly don't express myself properly to the girl, but she's One Of Us.

From the moment I heard her 'godskies' wav, I knew I needed to use it... just, as is the way with my head, I needed to be in the right frame of mind.

Well, tonight, I was." deathboy's journal - 05/11/03
you can find more samples of his work (maybe even buy the cd and see my name!) at his site,

beautiful skies



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