news; is it news if it happens to you also?

August 31, 2005

again, i will be appearing at dragon*con! this year it is september 2-5. my panels are as follows: Fri Sep 2, 2005 7:00pm- 8:30pm My So-Called LiveJournal(.com) @International Ballroom North Sat Sep 3, 2005 8:30pm-10:00pm Web Cam Girls @International Ballroom North also, one of my books based soely on my webcam work has been published!

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.
first book ever soley consiting of nothing but things i've done! (with the exception the book of poetry i published when i was 12) 72 pages of portaits i've done with nothing but webcams. models include: alison, annie marie, beth, bill, bones, bradley, christine, garrett, holly, ian, jared, john, laurie, lin, mae, mikie, nick, sami, sheree, sue, tracy, xtine 29.99$ +shipping (because the book is over $25 you qualify for free SuperSaver Shipping!)
Dragon*con convention go-ers! hold off on buying the book online, and buy it from me in person at the convention! you'll get it faster and it's - only 30$! 1¢ handling! not to mention, but i'll even sign it for ya if you ask nicely or in an inventive manner!
guess what, i'm moving again. i bet you didn't see that coming. more so since i've twice since i last updated! the craziness of my predictability! back into the book topic. portraits is only the first in a long list of books based on my webcam work to be published. once i move and get settled in, i'll start crankingout the others. keep an eye out! and go bother lj user XevinX about updating my site. he's just been sitting on it for more than the past year. he's a stinker :p blame him for lack of new material posted to the actual site part of this thing. the cam has been running 85% of the time, though. :) i've been good about that!

July 29, 2003

i will be appearing at dragon*con (Friday through Monday, August 29th - Sept. 1st). I will be on two panels, one about having a webcam on my site and another on web journaling. come see me and say "hi" ask interesting questions. i'll be drunk as all hell so i can be more personable. hope to meet you there, don't take offense if i freak out if you say you know me from my site.

June 18, 2003

i'm miserable, but i did update the

echoes section.

moving agian, big surprise. in the same house, just a new apartment. bigger bedroom. crazier layout. not any cheaper but it won't cost extra since i am getting a room mate.

working with on a new layout and a revamp of this site. fun. yeah. anyways, whatever. i'll post more news when it's pertinent to the site. if you want updates on my life, read my journal. i am happy, sometimes. i think people just don't know how to read text with my mind.

December 07, 2002

things are crazy here. got a temp room mate for a bit. a pal is crashing on my couch tell he gets on his feet again, so things are just a bit cramped for a bit. money is tight, but hell, things are tough all over and i'm breathing without machine assistance so i shouldn't complain.

i've been getting quite a few e-mails asking if i had some sort of holiday wish list anywhere. i think the e-mails i get are enough of a present to cheer me up some days, but since i've been told i must publicly post a list of some sort, i will.

  • money
  • red bathroom towels
  • hand made things
  • knitted hats with ear flaps (actually any cool hats, bolders, top hats, anything really, i love hats)
  • artwork
  • music cds
  • cards
  • digital camera
  • letters
  • craft supplies
  • matching silverware set (i only have mismatch stuff i stole from my high school cafeteria)
  • movies/dvds
  • anything you wish as long as it wasn't once alive or covered in your bodily juices or will do me bodily harm

i have both a PayPal account and an Amazon wishlist. if you donate or send me anything, i'll post a public thank you, because it's the least i can do. if you donate any money it will go to one of three things: bills, digital camera fund, or art development (supplies or film processing). i really don't have a NEED for anything except my bills to be paid and a digital camera, because i'm rather happy. poor, but happy. anything else is a bonus that will make me smile and i will deeply appreciate it.

hope your holidays, whatever they may be, are pleasant and worry free.

October 24, 2002

my computer is slowly dying... but i'll be fixing that soon!

i bought some RAM to make it work fast, and somebody mysteriously left a 300 watt power supply at my door (and i do mean mysterious. no name and it ended up at my actual home door step. kinda creeped out about it, but hey, it's free), somebody very generous bought me a usb hub for the cameras so i can have more than one hooked up at a time, not to mention other things needing usb support. i was also lucky enough to have a tablet donated to me, so i can learn to draw with digital imaging, and it's making so many more things that much more easy.

i just have to see if everything is compatible with what i have and toss it into the new-to-me case my buddy gave me and shove it back under my desk and i'm good to go!

i've also lately gotten some requests for sound samples which i am actually working on. just wanting to make sure i like them first before posting them. so, look forward to another update here in news saying when i have those uploaded and free to the public. just remember, if you use one of my samples, all i ask in return if to let me pos the song on my site, and if you get lots of money, toss some my way. not lots, but a nice amount. make my life easier to live.

getting closer and closer to my place looking almost unpacked. once it gets to the point i feel comfortable enough to say "this is my home for now" i'll take a photo montage and then you can see what it looks like, the place i live. i spend a lot of my time and a good majority of my paycheck to make that place look amazing. i know it will never be completely -complete- and i'll constantly be adding things, but then i can make it a work in progress where i keep taking photos of it over and over again so you can see it grow!

so yeah, that's pretty much it. fixing the computer. doing sound samples. updating the house lots, and of course, as always, taking mass amount of pictures.

i'll update this again in a few days

September 3, 2002

back from dragon*con with a burst ofcreative energy, determination and site updates. so what does that mean? i've actually updated content on this far outdated site you see before you. what was updated you ask?

  • news (new news, what you are reading right now)
  • bio (new bio format, i don't know if i like it or if it has the same feel as the rest of the site. this is a test run. if you think it just plain sucks, give me ideas for a new one. i'm fresh out.)
  • voices (the long awaited section of the site that i kept promising i would update. finally done)
  • echoes (new version of _me and rosa_)

so that's something good that came out of the whole dragon*con experience. one of the many. now you ask "you say that like something bad happened..." and it did. actually two but one of them has fucked me over pretty badly.

my hotel room got robbed. my older brother (aka: "Jack") had his digital camera stolen, culminating into me losing 100 dollars that i very much needed. don't ask. it's a really long story. i'm just hoping none of the checks i wrote for bills don't bounce therefore costing me even more money. this whole thing has put me in a huge uncomfortable bind. but there is nothing i can do about it so i'm just going to have to get over it. but it still fucking pisses me off. other than that the con was a blast and gave me some affirmation in myself and some of the things i do. i'll write more about that later in my journal.

if you have any photos you have taken of me during the con, please e-mail me, i would really appreciate it.

other than that, i don't know. i'm really tired and maybe later i'll add more things to the site or even learn how to update the galleries for your viewing pleasure. until then, keep looking in my journal for any new photos sessions i've done, seeing i've been taking more and more photos of different people and other interesting things until i can all post them here on the main site.


July 14, 2002

things i have now that i did not have before: my own place, high speed connection, and a job.

speaking again this year @ dragon*con. three panels this time. two for the cam, one for the journal. will do a bit of cosplay with some of my friends for one day. hope to see you there. don't be afraid to walk up to me and say "hi". i will more than likely be very intoxicated to get over my fear of talking in public forums about myself to a room full of strangers, much like i did last year. if you would like to hear my drunken commentary in .mpeg format, click here and then on the appropriate links with my name near them. download will take a while if on a slow connection, the file is for a 90 minute talk on the first one, so you get the idea.

just because i haven't updated the site in a while, doesn't mean i've forgotten about it. i have about 50 shows and then many various and still live shots i've done with the cams. the fellow who helped me out with the site building doesn't want to help me anymore so i have to try to figure out what to do myself. that or scrap this whole site and do another one. i have no idea as of yet. but because of being asked to speak at dragon*con once again, i am cycling through some never before seen shows on my cam and some where i have leaked a few of the photos out. check in my journal for dates and times. once the show is done i delete the post. so keep an eye out.

because i am living on my own, i am scraping the bottom of the barrel for the funds i need for artistic endeavors. if you would like to donate something, anything, that would be generous of you. if not, thanks for looking at the site any ways. if you would like to donate cash, i have a pay pal account with the e-mail address if you would like to purchase a gift for me, i have a wishlist with a digital camera and some household items. with the camera i can take photographs that don't have to be limited by the length of my usb cord. if you would like to write me a letter or some such thing, e-mail me and i might give you an address you can mail things to. if you do decide to contribute something, i might make you a specialized thing or take a photograph of me using the object as a thank you.

i want to visit seattle very badly. i haven't seen that part of this country before. the far northwest corner. i've seen the south, the west, the north, the east, the north east, the southeast... but just not that part. and i know many people there and it's the ocean. it's been so long since i've seen the ocean. it's just a lot for airfaire despite the fact i keep hearing airfaire is at an all time low. i think it's a lie like in 1984. "we've always been at war with eurasia".

i'm also working on creating a webcomic with a pal of mine, called subp0pculture. i am doing the artwork and design on the site. my friend is helping with the coding and ideas. it will be based on our lives and how outragous they are and how crazy our freinds are. soonish it should be up and running. just my life has been so hectic right now and very very stressful with personal issues, family issues, and adjusting to living alone. i don't think i'm ever going to master cooking just for one person.

i can't think of anything else to say. i can update this more since i got high speed conenction and don't have to fight for a computer. i just need reasons to update it.

August 12, 2001

long time since update as what seems to be the custom. i just feel like i'm cheating if i don't actually add new content to the site when i am adding more news.

so what is new in the news and the site?

one: i will be a guest speaker at dragoncon. i will be on two panels, one for web cam people and one for web cam how to. info on when and stuff here. you can see my bio and who else will be there here. dawnmarie helped arrange this gig. go thank her and come ask questions at the con. i would love to hear what you think about it all.

so go and ask me questions and meet me. i will also be sharing a table in the walk of fame or something. i am trying to get other people to commission art work from me. i could use the creative fuel and the cash as well.

two: i got a job. i work in a retail warehouse and i actually enjoy it alot. it doesn't pay much, but what warehouse jobs really do? so i'm not online as much as i was. and now that i have a job i have less cash then ever. hopefully we'll get a high speed connection soon.

three: the room mates and i moved to another side of town. i have a huge huge room with added extras and am living in a way nicer area than before. seeing i was in the ghetto, anything is nicer. and we are all so much more happier here. everything in my room is unpacked and i can live in my world once again. yeah for living in your own world.

four: added wallpers to the site. an area for desktop wallpapers. i call them wallpers cause i can. i spend a shitload of time on these things. sometimes 7-10 hours on just one image. hope you like them and enjoy them. the content varies form song lyrics to just things stuck in my head. images vary as well. am working more on images without people but they ain't working out so much. tell me what you think about these as well.

five: much evil planning is being done with content and the like. the cam goes on and off. random weird images being left alone. been having very many visitors, so alot of people other than me have been on my cam.

six: i have done alot of what i call on this site "shows" as of late. but i have not done them live. i am contemplating whether or not making some of these public. they are not like the other shows i have on here. so many reasons. one of them is that some of them have no theme as the ones on here already do. some of them are just a series of images i found interesting with no real reason for them other than visual pleasure. not because i am trying to convey a message. another is more physical exploration. so trying to decide if to make them public or not. i post alot of them in my journal

seven: i don't have just one journal anymore. i have two. life and death. you can find death by clicking on "journal" under "words" and then clicking on "death". i will change it so it will be more accessible at a later time. but deal with it the way it is right now. death is more raw and has more anger or something... yeah. find what meaning you will in it. it is different from the life one in so many ways. it's hosted on deadjournal which was a brain child of SCSI and eris. i designed the logo and the mascot, for all you zombie freaks, yeah, you probably know who that beautiful zombie is.

eight: my life has changed greatly in so many aspects. not just physical location, but in mindset and appearance. and it will continue to do so because everything is racing towards something. who knows. maybe i just need to travel more. and to do that i need more cash. and more cash means a better paying job or more people commissioning more paintings. i like my job and am sick of searching for jobs, so that is out of the question. which leaves one thing, know anybody with enough cash to want to buy a painting? yeah, that's right. you heard me, i'm actually plugging something. myself. pay me money to make pretty things for you. thank you, drive through.

nine, ten: do it all over again.

eleven: august 12th marks the one year anniversary since i moved out of north carolina

April 17, 2001

sorry about lack of updates on any part of the site. my life has been super hectic. i moved to atlanta. then i had to go to north carolina thinking i had to go help out my grandmother in cleveland, ohio. didn't go to cleveland, but went back to rhode island to get my possessions before my roommate up there took off to california. then i came back to atlanta, and... well. here i am.

try living out of your suitcase for 6 weeks. just one suitcase. and not do it willingly. kinda tough.

i had alot of experiences. so much to write about. it's all in my journal. had to take poetry off, went down and took my poetry with it. had to take streaming off. here and now sort of took it away. i'm on a 56k (not even on good days) now, but we are looking for a bigger place with a good connection, and when i move, i have a surprise for anybody who gives a damn. we are wiring the whole house.

will be updating the audio section once i get everything put together. i have one song to upload and some sound samples to add. no new shoes, no room to do the shows. all of my possessions are tightly packed in a small dining room or in a closet. i barely have room to crash on the couch i sleep on. still don't have a job. but i'm really trying to be optimistic. been painting a whole lot. once we get to the new place, you might be able to watch me go crazy with the acrylics. i get messy and usually have as much paint on me as the canvas. i have recently been commissioned to do some paintings so i will have to get mad busy on that.

passion, my bird, died. thursday, january 18, 2001.
my great aunt rosalie died. thursday, february 8 , 2001

living without all the things that make your world will leave you f*cked up. getting it all back at once throws you off the road and into oncoming traffic in the other direction. i'm still trying to put myself back together. bear with me during this transition or leave me alone. i'm not who i was 24 hours ago, and i will not be the same 24 hours from now.

updates will happen as soon as i can get them done on my end, and how fast i can hand them to jason, and if his life ain't busy, then maybe they will get posted. if not, deal. it ain't your site anyways.

November 20, 2000

Welcome to the new site of "the*innocence" on behalf of sohma g. dawling, and the other half of rosalie. We would like to thank AD/goldbug for the majority of the work on this new creation.

New section "audio" will be added. If there are sound samples specifically you would like to hear, please e-mail the suggestions to me. If you have any audio "echoes" (music or spoken word inspired by innocence or this site) please do notify me first before attempting to send.

The inspirations page is still being worked on. If you see a piece you have done, without your name, please do e-mail so the problem can be corrected.

This site has over 1,000 visuals to look over. The journal is updated everyday, poetry whenever I feel like spewing crap, and the faq is changed a bit about every month.

And I will be moving back to Atlanta around the first of December. So the streaming will not be working for a month because of internet connection. Which things get straitened out down there cam will once again be 24/7 and streaming will be back up.

I would love to hear your opinions on the new layout and site design! Thanx.

november 8, 2000

so much has happened, so little time to have updated. the galleries section is down for a bit, some reworking is being done. not just in the galleries but the whole site. more to come on that later. i am sorry that the cam was not up for the longest time. there seems to have been some kind of change going on in the coding that i wasn't aware of. but because of grapes we got that problem solved. he has also updated my one and only fan page. you can go and see that here.

also the journal has been going strong. i have seen 3 major cities in 3 weeks. nyc, boston, and atlanta. i missed atlanta so much, that i will be moving back there in december moving in with my friends wendy and luca. the streaming is on off and on. it takes up most of the resources on my computer, and my computer isn't all that old at all. pretty new actually. but i try to have when i can. once i move back to atlanta, the cam won't be on as much, and i don't think the streaming will be working to well. we will just have to see.

right now, my life is stress. but i want to thank you for your encouragement and understanding. i hope to have a completely new site for next year (which isn't to far off). so keep looking and send me e-mail every once in awhile to make sure i am alive. and do read the journal when you can.


sept 29, 2000

i won free streaming from actually i won the bandwidth, not the actual streaming. and jason sent me another cam so i can do both 30 re"fresh" and streaming at the same time. go thank jason for his chartiable move. not only is he sexy, but kind and giving. is going to be promoting the streaming show i will be doing on wednesday nights around 10 pm eastern standard time on their site once all the winners get their act together. as part of the deal when winning this streaming, we have to do a weekly hour long show of some sort. i have no idea what i am really going to be doing to entertain people, and we HAVE to be on cam. i was pretty unclear about what i was going to do *giggles* streaming will not be 24/7 until i can arrange some things on my comp. and if i know that i will not be in the room for a great length of time, it will not be on. i will try to have it on as often as i can, but seeing that i have been leaving my room more often than not, and i have no extensions cords long enough for a mic or for the usb cam, and i don't have a hub either. *shrugs* sorry....

i have also added a bbs if you would like to go there and post. kinda hard to figure out but it was the most pleasing one to look at and wasn't destroyed with banner ads totally. if i knew how to make a bbs, i would, but i don't.

i am still jobless and really trying to correct that. maybe once i correct that, this site could progress. i don't even have the 25 bucks to send to livejournal to make me a paid site without banner ads and the like. which brings me to another point, if you would like to read often updated news on my life, what was once the innocencefiles, now my daily writings, go to my journal

sorry i haven't updated the news in awhile. i should keep that up. i have also been "gossiped" about at GabbyMoe's some funny stuff on there. check it out when you get a chance. *rolls eyes* cam girls as a stereotype are melodramatic bitches

thank you guys so much for the support in the tough times i have been having, and being understanding when i had to get away from the computer and stuff. glad the people i have that do watch, know and understand this cam isn't about me, i am just another prop. *winks* thank you, and sleep to dream.


sept 5, 2000

sadly still unemployed, but have a caring and understanding roommate. but with the extra time, creation of new images and experimentation has blossomed. they are posted in journal which is updated almost everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. i am wanting to expand the site to more than one cam and take the cams outside of my environment. seeing that i can't afford it, i started a wishlist at amazon. if you have the extra cash to spare and would love to help further the site, then thank you. if not, just keep sending your love!


aug 16, 2000

the*innocence has made it to rhode island. the cam is now on all day everyday. you can even watch the experiment in sleep mode. if you would like to read the daily thoughts, go to sohma g. dawling's journal . experiments with words and thoughts can be seen there. along with pictures from the cam and how it incorporates with the life of rosalie and her perception of us.


july 16, 2000

whole new site, thanks to (design is based on the last website, nicci fixed it up to be random and with different colors and such). i just moved with the family 20 mins away from where we were. now live in a nice house, so the cam is in a different environment for now. i am moving to rhode island on aug 12th just to get away from it all, experience new things, and start the journey to see the whole world. cam will be a 24/7 cam at that point, hopefully. and yes, parts of the site aren't up yet. new ideas for it all. and being majorly stressed between work, school, and moving twice is taking up some of my time. sorry, but it all will be up as soon as my ass has the time.


june 1, 2000

its's june. and i yes, i have yet to post the pics from teh last show, but i shall in all do time. i leave in a few minutes to get me a song companion. i am so excited. there will be a new inno cam mascot. hehhehe. and i move in 30 days. please do not forget that you are alive.


may 29, 2000

i lots of things are rapidly changing in my life, but it all seems to feel as if it's in way slo-mo. doin a show tonite, based on my catholic upbringings. live journal seems to be getting a response. still working on older pages and updating them. and until that is done and all my storage and stuff is rearranged will i put up the new inspirations submitted. when completed with these other pages, this site will be twice the size it now is.


may 18, 2000

i have been feeling out of sorts as of late and trying to revamp a whole lotta things on my website while working on my mental state. so if you submitted inspirations, note that i have received them and i am going to post them shortly, i am just really busy at the moment. know that i appreciate everything you guys do for me, and in return i am trying to get the old pics up that you have requested. it's alot of work, but i am workin on it! *wink*


may 10, 2000

i have been sick for five days straight. so sick that i didn't eat anything for 3 days. but i have been thinking so much and feeling so many new things. i haven't even written an innocencefiles as of late. but i promise a good one comin. new things will be and are being added to the site. it has expanded and changes are being made constantly. you just can't see them. they are hiding. it will all be explained later. but notice the ones i do have up now. paruse and enjoy. comments are loved. bbs is still working. check out "poetry" and "live journal".


april 26, 2000

i took out some pages. doing major re-orginzation of both sites. mirror site shut down for now. need more room. many past shows are archived but have they to be uploaded and organized. verbal regurgitation shut down. i couldn't stand the thought of words spewing from unmannered mouths, just to be foul, and thinking. a watcher is doing a presentation on the cam. to the left is the ticket people receive for coming to the show. click to enlarge. it will be a multimedia presentation. maybe more watchers will evlove from this. more innocencefiles readers. more satisfaction that people are interested in the words i say and the world i see. this summer a comic book about a girl named rosalie will be in the works. more about that later. also a series of painting in which i shall pose for greek goddesses will be this summer.


april 24, 2000

did not win the mtv contest. did not win the college sga elections. did go to atlanta. did have more fun than is legal. did get new perceptions and inspirations. did beleive that beauty is everywhere when you are with some one you love. new inspirations up, things have changed


The contents of this webpage are copyright ©2000 Rosalie, of the*innocence. All rights reserved. No part of this webpage may be duplicated without the prior written consent of the owner. Web design by goldendance.